Ages ago designers spent much efforts to make more and more staircase designs, one of the most popular stairs designs are the rounded ( spiral - circular ) ones.
Ages ago designers spent much efforts to make more and more staircase designs, one of the most popular stairs designs are the rounded ( spiral - circular ) ones.
1- Modern spiral stairs designs.
Colorful spiral stairs designs.
see also : 18 Amazing colorful stairs designs.
Wood spiral stairs designs.
Glassy spiral stairs designs.
2.Spiral stairs designs with patterns.
Metal stairs with patterns.
Glassy stairs with patterns and light is used ( Amazing ! )
3.Marble spiral stairs designs.
Rounded wooden staircase with marble stairs.
4.Ancient stairs designs.
Islamic patterned stairs designs.
Indian outer spiral stairs on a mosque.
Lello bookshop staircase ( spiral too ) .
See Also : Lello bookshop amazing spiral staircase.
you will inspire when see that amazing Stairscraper in New York